
The Surprising Reason Men Always Choose Certain Women

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Research Discovery Reveals:
The Unexpected Scientific Reason Men Chase Certain Women
(And reject or neglect others)
Over the years, Tanya was told she was “amazing”, “beautiful inside and out “, “gorgeous”, and “dream girlfriend material”. By the men she’d been with.

But all their loving words just made her feel worse.
Because the truth was:
Despite how fantastic they CLAIMED she was, they still weren’t CHOOSING to build a relationship with her.

For Tanya, this implied that these men were not being honest with her. Or there was something else wrong with her. Something so repulsive they just couldn’t bring themselves to stay with her.
“It made me feel unworthy “, she said. Why am I never ever sufficient for the guys that seem perfect for me?.

“All I want is for a good man to want me.”

The problem of what makes a man pick a specific type of partner. While overlooking others has plagued women for all of history.
According to brand-new research findings released in the scientific journal, “Archives of Sexual Behavior”. It does not draw men to women based on “logical reasons”.

Also Read: Three Tips To Create Long-Lasting Love With Men

Dating and relationship expert Clayton Max explained to us. It’s not about ticking all the criteria on his checklist of what makes his perfect partner. “woman can’t persuade a man to want to be with her”.

In my experience, Max states, when a woman tries to convince a guy, pressure him. Or show him just how perfect she is. It’s more than likely to backfire. As behaviors like this signal, the exact opposite of what makes a guy sure a certain partner is for him.
The truth, according to Max, guys select women based on whether they do one specific thing.

They choose women who set off the powerful feeling of INFATUATION.

Psychologists have discovered that infatuation comes from a subconscious urge deep within the brain. When a man’s infatuation impulse is ON, it doesn’t matter if a potential mate has the characteristics he’s been seeking. She could be wrong for him, but he’ll make time for her. He’ll move cities to be with her.

He’ll change professions for her.

Because the Infatuation Instinct SWITCHES OFF the part of a man’s mind concerned with anything besides making his her. So how does a woman trigger a guy’s Infatuation Instinct. To make him so over-whelmed find desire that he’s ready to do what ever it takes. To convince her just how much he wants her?

Check out the Extensive Video to found out.

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