
The #1 Reason Guys Pull Away From Their Ideal Woman

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When Holly met, they even had the same favorite childhood story - The Velveteen Rabbit - a cute coincidence he often mentioned when people asked about their relationship.

So when Colin ended things one rainy October day, she felt blindsided.

Felt despite what many women do not understand, Max said. It does not matter how perfect a woman is for a guy. She could check all the boxes on his list, and he’s still prone to have moments of panic for moving the relationship forward.

Because, despite priding themselves on how logical they are, Max claims, guys do not pick a long-term partner based on who is the most rational choice for them. Instead, they select the individual that makes them FEEL certain things.

What things?

Max says that guys fear commitment than women, but their minds are pre-wired with a mechanism that overrides this fear with the ideal woman.

This mechanism is called The Infatuation Instinct, and when it’s working, it closes down the part of his brain that feels panicked. His thoughts of doubt disappear, he feels sure about the relationship, and he’s prepared to move mountains to be with her, deeply to her?

When deciding between a partner who makes logical sense and one who‘s triggered his primitive infatuation impulse, he will choose the one who‘s activated his infatuation reaction one hundred percent of the time.

Also Read: Three Tips To Create Long-Lasting Love With Men

So what are the vital tips for someone who wants her man to commit to her?

1. Take the situation the way it is.

A crucial error women make, wishes guys differed from they are. But a guy can no more change the feelings of uncertainty than a woman can control her thoughts of wanting to commit.

In reality, when he feels misunderstood for his indecision, it only further contributes to the stress and anxiety and guilt he feels, making him more likely to leave sooner rather than later.

By understanding that this is simply how guys are wired, and not pressing him, it offers you space to concentrate on what YOU CAN DO to make him sure - triggering his infatuation impulse.

2. Don’t focus on convincing him.

Many women get stuck in attempting to be a guy’s ‘perfect girl’, by displaying all the sweetheart traits, such as being a good listener, being loyal, attentive, generous, and seductive.

They’ll note out all the reasons they’re a good match, or they’ll try to determine what qualities he desires in a partner, so they can display them when he’s around.

They’re attempting to attract his rational mind, which in this case is not running the show.

Women do this again and again, although this approach never ever succeeds, leaving them let down, and mad when the guy winds up leaving her for someone who has none of the characteristics he states he desires.

3. Focus on triggering his infatuation impulse.

The only surefire way of getting a man to commit with his entire heart, so he’s absolutely confident a woman is the one for him, is to activate his infatuation impulse.

A guy‘s infatuation response is activated by very specific characteristics in a woman. Traits like intrigue, boundaries, as well as unpredictability, which create a sense of exhilaration and an intense desire to go after her.

While most women will try to show a man just how devoted they are to him in the hope that this is going to make him feel safe enough to open his heart, this more often than not adds to the pressure weighing him down, since at this stage, he’s even more afraid of losing his freedom than losing her.

For more information about exactly how to activate his infatuation impulse, including exact scripts that do exactly that, watch this free video presentation.

In it, you’ll find out about the ‘emotional tripwire’, which places a guy in infatuation mode, without him realizing why.

Watch it now while it’s still available!

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